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Living Your Design           Rave ABCs           Rave Cartography




Living Your Design



Upon entering the Human Design Experiment,

this is your support in this leap into the unknown :-)


This course provides the Human Design basics that can make a difference in your life, when you make your first steps, experimenting with your design.


This course can be taken one on one or in a group. 


It's a very important phase in the beginning of your HD journey, and it's also the first step required towards the HD official education.


In this  journey we'll study these topics:


  • The four Aura Types

  • The nine centers of the bodygraph

  • Inner Authorities

  • Definition



Rave ABC 



After completing the "Living Your Design" workshop, if you want to dive into this amazing knowledge this is the first step.


The course is designed to explain the basic components of the knowledge and build a solid foundation for understanding The Human Design System. It covers the basic elements of the synthesis called "Human Design" and shows how these elements are woven together to create the body graph.


This knowledge will deepen your experiment and is essential in supporting Projectors & Reflectors to live their design. 




Circuitry & Circuit groups

Hexagram structure & lines

Black - Red / Personality - Design / Conscious - Unconscious



This course is also the first step towards professional training.




Introduction Sessions and the "Living Your Design" workshop



Rave Cartography



It is a journey through the Bodygraph as it maps the energy flow of the 36 channels. Centers are defined through channels and the study of channels will deepen our understanding of centers and the potential of openness & its conditioning.

We'll see the body graph as a complete integrated unit.


We'll plunge into the mystery of channels: the life force and quantum intelligence they create in our lives. Channels are the basis of Type, Strategy and Authority.

They hold the magic of connecting to life through the unique quality of their life force.


At this point so much becomes clearer and we'll look at profiles. Through alignment with our profile we connect with our purpose. This is only possible if we let go of navigating in life through our mind and surrender to our Strategy & Authority.

Rave Cartography is the second step and the complement of the general education program. Completion is a prerequisite for Advanced Studies of the Human Design system.

Prerequisites: Introduction Sessions, workshop "Living Your Design" and the course "Rave ABCs".



1. Definition-The 36 Channels
2. The not self and its nine strategies
3. 9 Centers
4. Authority
5. Angles and the 12 Profiles





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